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4kt elephants

Illustraiton & Design - 2019

These designs were created for a social initiative/project by Stitch Kitchen to help raise awareness about fabric waste. Part of this project was recycling fabric by creating stuffed elephants. Each infographic poster had its own colour and general posters used the 4kt logo colour. These posters were designed to hang in the event space and were A1 size so my design had to be readable for far away to draw people in. To learn more about the project click here.

tip posters

4KT_Infographic_2020__with logo and webs
4KT_Infographic_2020__with logo and webs
4KT_Infographic_2020__with logo and webs
4KT_Infographic_2020__with logo and webs
4KT_Infographic_2020__with logo and webs

general posters

4kT_What is 4kt_A1_Poster_V2_social.jpg
4kT_Why Elephants_A1_Poster_WEB.jpg
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